Kochi, July 05, 2012 : Only half of the total seats were filled at CUSAT for BTech courses after second allotment. The second allotment was announced by the the university on 1st July and the admissions based on it were made on 4th and 5th. Today by the closing of second allotment altogether 460 students were admitted out of the first phase allotment of 975. That means 515 seats remain to be filled.
The third and final allotment will be published on 7th July and the admissions based on it will be made on 10th July. After that realtime allotments will be made as per the following order. July 16 upto Rank 6000, 17-upto 9000, 19-upto12,000, 20-upto15,000, 21-upto 22,000, 23- upto 28,000.
Strangely, till now there are no takers for IT in CUSAT even after the second allotment. Mechanical leads followed by EC,EE and CS.