Inqua 2015 – Techfest of College of Engineering Trikaripur.

Event Inqua 2015 technical Festival
 Venue  College of Engineering Trikaripur.
 Dates  January 21,22,23 2015

 About Inqua 2015.

Technical Expo Inqua 2k15 is a grand arena intended to hone the technical skills of the students of CET. The fact that students showcase their talent at institute level as well as discipline specific events makes this expo, a celebration of knowledge .The events are so planned that the process of exercising academic intellects.,the participants come up with innovations and solutions for the world to take notice of.



Working Models

With the unbeatable ideas of man mixed up with incredible speed and accuracy, witness the evaluation and brilliance of engineering that plunge beyond the summit and branch to attain new standards.



Artistic genre which is site specific and designed to transform perception of space. Amalgam of art which leaves space and time as its only dimensional constants implying dissolution of line between art and life.


Gaming Arena

Explore & experience nihilistic, scintillating, technically astonishing explosive generation of gaming. Give it to the noobs !

Online Treasure hunt.



[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Live stunting from team ramrodz. 4'o clock 22 nd of January.[/caption] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="530"] 'Bakery junction' live concert. the Rythm.[/caption]







