It is hereby notified that the under mentioned University Examinations will commence on the dates scheduled below.
- Btech Degree VIII Semester Examination April 2016 (Online registration for 2012 admission) IT/CS/CE/ME/SE/EE/EC/EB/EI/FT starts from 01.04.2016.
- Btech Degree VI Semester Examination April 2016 (Online registration for 2012 admission onwards) (FULL TIME & PART TIME) (FULL TIME & PART TIME) IT/CS/CE/ME/SE/EE/EC/EB/EI/FT starts from 04.04.2016
- Btech Degree IV Semester Examination April 2016 (Online registration from 2012 admission
onwards) (FULL TIME & PART TIME) IT/CS/CE/ME/SE/EE/EC/EB/EI/FT starts from 20.04.2016.