A Meme that travelled across the state like wildfire

Are you Familiar with this Meme which recently circulated among all famous troll pages and whatsapp groups?

On January 2017, Dhishna 2017 – A technical Festival hosted by SOE CUSAT – declared a MEME competition which urged people to push their imaginations to the next level. There came bustling entries of various humorous memes from students all around. One such entry was a fake Meme with a conversation screen shot between some guy and the page itself. An intended misunderstanding and eventual flirt-idea caught everyone’s attention. The meme was the brainchild of Abdul Raheem of Department of Safety and Fire, SOE CUSAT.

The meme travelled across social medias and eventually reaching almost every one. So much that it even featured on a popular radio channel.

Let’s hear the Interview between A popular Radio station and Dhishna 2017 Organizers.

Dhishna is Happening on Feb 2,3, and 4 at CUSAT. There is more in store for you. We welcome everyone.

#CelebrationNeverEndsHere #CUSAT_is_a_feeling



