Tag: Facts about CUSAT

  • All About CUSAT to be an IIEST !!

    The Facts about CUSAT Similar to IIT s and IISc, 100% Professors and Readers of the Postgraduate and  Research departments of CUSAT have Ph. D Degree Similar to IIT s and IISc,  CUSAT  is also producing  on an average 73 PhD’s per year (according to  the annual report of the CUSAT, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006) Similar…

  • The Study leave.

    Here the days come..No assignments, no classes, a lot of time to spent in our own way..The university exams are fast apporoaching.. Its time to STUDY.. The study table near the window opening towards the garden, ipod loaded with hours of music, TV full of ur favourite shows, huge books of Mathematics, fluid mechanicz.. The…

  • Things common to all engineering colleges..

    The 4-year holiday called engineering This is for all the engineering students. Nice one! must read.. Things common to all Engg Colleges: 1). The lecturers don’t teach.The students don’t study.The only guy who benefits is the one who owns the coffee shops and photostat centres next to the college. 2).Rules are made to be broken.3).Promises…

  • 3 Things To Do To Make CUSAT A Better Place

    LETS CHANGE TO A BETTER PLACE Clean Bathrooms and RestRooms I don’t know about ladies but the gents bathrooms at CUSAT are avoided by even the most hardcore who spent about a month each year in train alone . I honestly don’t know if its the horrible flooding(first year block),the broken locks which require us…